Chiranjeevi Request Everyone To Follow JanataCurfew


Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Janata Curfew thought is being widely promoted by celebrities, actors, VIPs through their respective social media accounts. Today Megastar Chiranjeevi has posted a video with a special request to everyone. The Mega Hero has joined the list of actors To support #JanataCurfew and appealing all to take part in appreciating the efforts that are put in by the government officials in the fight against the deadly coronavirus.

Mega Hero Request all the actors To support #JanataCurfew and also Megastar Chiranjeevi said,

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” It’s the right time to appreciate the nurses, doctors, medical associates, volunteers, police officials, respective State governments who are working to control the COVID19. Responding positively to the appeal made by PM Modi about #JanataCurfew requested everyone to self isolate from morning 7 am to 5 pm and clap as mark of respect to people working against coronavirus. It’s our social responsibility to be part of Janata Curfew, staying united and together make India a coronavirus free country.”


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