Preethi Asrani made her acting debut as a child artist with Balakrishna and Manchu Manoj’s Uu Kodathara? Ulikki Padathara and then she starred in Gundello Godari and Happy Wedding. However, she got first recognition with Malli Rava where she played young Akanksha Singh.
Preethi Asrani made her debut as a lead actress in Pressure Cooker which received a good response from critics and audience alike. Now, the actress is set to give a pleasant surprise with ‘A’. Preethi is playing a crucial role in an upcoming unique thriller “A” where she is paired opposite hero Nithin Prasanna.
Preethi Asrani has got a meaty role and she has utilized the opportunity to exhibit her acting skills. The film is directed by Ugandhar Muni and produced by Geetha Minsala under the banner of Avanthika Productions.
The promotional content of the movie received rave reviews and hiked expectations on the film. “A” is scheduled for release on March 5th.