Director Ram Gopal Varma made his debut into Bollywood with Shiva Hindi version but he raised to stardom with “Rangeela” movie. It was kind of mass hysteria in the 90’s mid-period and Rangeela’s success gave RGV worldwide recognition as a cult director in the Indian film industry. Rangeela’s movie is very close to Ram Gopal Varma’s heart and now a tribute is given to the classic hit by his disciple Agastya Manju.
Lakshmi’s NTR is co-directed by Agastya Manju and now he has given an ode to Rangeela with his new movie titled as “Beautiful” and the few stills from the film are released online. Today RGV has unveiled 5 glimpses from Beautiful movie that high lights the sizzling chemistry between the lead cast Parth Suri and Naina Ganguly through a video teaser. The five glimpse video shared by RGV gives back the nostalgic of Rangeela days with more doses of glamour and the teaser of Beautiful will be released tomorrow at 9 am.
RGV posted his thoughts revealing a special video of Beautiful movie as
“These are 5 glimpses from the film “BEAUTIFUL” Written, Photographed and Directed by Agastya Manju ..The film features Parth Suri and @NainaGanguly’s Manju’s ode to RANGEELA and is a dream project of mine ..Teaser releasing day after 9th October 9 Am”