The teaser of Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja’s upcoming film, ‘Disco Raja’ was unveiled a short while back. The teaser boasts of sleek technical values and Ravi Teja’s trademark screen presence. The director, VI Anand said they had put in their best efforts and also used Hollywood technicians to can a few sequences in the film and these were showcased in the teaser.
‘Disco Raja’ was made on a massive scale and the grandeur of the film is there for everyone to be seen. The teaser suggests that ‘Disco Raja’ is a sci-fi thriller. A few shots were canned in the lab set that was erected in Annapurna Studios. These were added in the teaser.
The teaser ends with an action sequence in which Ravi Teja is seen in a retro look. Also, his dialogue during the start of the teaser is expected to go viral. This film is aimed at all sections of the audience and is slated for release on January 24th. Ram Talluri is producing ‘Disco Raja’.